Thursday, March 26, 2009

New swingset

Last week we bought Landrie a Swingset for the back yard. She loves to go out back and slide mostly but when she is not outside she is standing at the window asking to go "ouside"! Or the most recent reaction is her tantruming for a half hour or so, when we have told her no outside because it is to cold.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lost I pod

Today was an eventful day. After working all weekend I got the news that my husband's I pod touch had been stolen out of the mens bathroom. I was sad to hear this mainly because that is his favorite gadget to play on but it also contained pictures and ultrasound pictures and videos of Landrie. I am hoping that someone will turn it in to the lost and found at work. Tonight sound be fun, We get to go to dinner at Ruby River for Bryan's 26th birthday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family Reunion

Saturday was a great day. We drove to Mona,Utah for a family reunion. I heard that this was the first family reunion we have had for the 20 years. I was so happy to see my grandpa's twin brother Ralph, he is turning 80 years old on the 11th of March. It makes me think of my grandpa but I think it is great that we still have Ralph.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Post

Today I am offically typing my first post. I set up my blog 3 days ago and have had a few problems that my sweet husband fixed for me. I reason for my interest in setting up a blog is because my friends and family have the cutest blogs and I love to keep in touch by reading there posts. Well I hope to post something fun and exciting everyday. I will stop rambling on and finish this post. I hope you all enjoy reading.